This case study is one of six evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's 1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, India, and Indonesia) complement a review...
This volume reports on a conference held by the World Bank's independent Operations Evaluation Department (OED) to discuss the Bank's rote in global program partnerships. The starting point for the discussions...
International agricultural research, technology generation, transfer, adoption and impact (IARTGTAI) constitute components of a system that has evolved from a relatively simple structure in the 1960s to...
This report completes the second phase of the Operations Evaluation Department's independent evaluation of the World Bank's involvement in global programs. This Phase 2 report is based on case studies...
The changing dynamics of the forest sector and the global economy prompted World Bank President James Wolfensohn to launch the CEO forum and the World Bank/World Wide Fund for Nature Alliance. In parallel...
The Bank's forest strategy brought the environmental agenda into the mainstream of the Bank's activities, and challenged the Bank group to adopt a multi-sectoral approach to conserving tropical moist forests...
The Bank's forest strategy brought the environmental agenda into the mainstream of the Bank's activities, and challenged the Bank group to adopt a multi-sectoral approach to conserving tropical moist forests...
The Bank's forest strategy brought the environmental agenda into the mainstream of the Bank's activities, and challenged the Bank group to adopt a multi-sectoral approach to conserving tropical moist forests...
The workshop provided a forum for the exchange of experiences in the design and implementation of competitive grant programs for research and extension (CGPs). This report provides a brief outline of concerns...
This case study is one of six evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's 1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Brazil, Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, and India) complement a review of...
Private investment in agricultural biotechnology research by seed companies is increasingly rapidly. The privatization of intellectual property, and the associated emergence of the private sector as the...
In the last few years there has been increasing interest in establishing competitive grants programs in agricultural research in developing countries. In donor funded projects, these programs are often...
The book opens with an overview of the broad trends in donor assistance to the six countries under investigation and an analysis of country performance based on data from the records of governments and...
The removal of fertilizer subsidies, and privatization of importation and distribution networks have been prominent features of recent policy reforms in MADIA countries to reduce budget deficits and the...
The structural adjustment efforts under way since the early 1980s have emphasized the liberalization of agricultural prices and markets and have led to a vigorous debate about the appropriate roles of...
The structural adjustment efforts under way since the early 1980s have emphasized the liberalization of agricultural prices and markets and have led to a vigorous debate about the appropriate roles of...
One of the critical problems of Nigeria's agricultural sector is the inadequate or nonexistent supporting physical infrastructure such as rural roads, storage and marketing facilities, and water supply...
The interaction between population growth, the environment, and agricultural intensification raises the most compelling and most controversial issues currently facing developing countries. Given the low...
This report examines the complex problems faced by an economically well managed but small, poor and landlocked country in trying to achieve equitable growth while coping with great external shocks. Malawi's...
The development of African economies depends to a great extent on the performance of their agricultural sector, within which export crops play an important role. However, Africa's share of world trade...