This goal of this report is to identify cross-sectoral policy priorities that, when occurring simultaneously, will create more and better jobs in the context of global mega-trends.
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
The goal of the Croatia clusters and global value chain (GVC) assessment project is to enhance the competitiveness of Croatian firms through the implementation of the country’s smart specialization strategy...
The objective of the report is to Identify policies and opportunities for Cambodia’s jobs success to align with its economic success.
The objective of this research is to provide analysis on the current skills ecosystem in Moldova. This assessment is based on interviews with private sector representatives, training providers and government...
Could inflation stabilization be expansionary? (Michael Bruno and William Easterly). The Latin American experience with private pension funds: lessons for Eastern Europe (Jean de Fougerolles). Who is responsible...
A new program for trade recovery in the new independent states. Averting a debt crisis in the Russian economy. What's next? Strategies for enterprise restructuring in Russia. Czechs are optimistic - but...