Global growth has slowed markedly, edging closer to falling into recession. Meanwhile, growth in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region, excluding China rebounded, diverging from the global trend, as mobility...
As Thailand’s past growth drivers lose steam, SMEs can play a critical role in reviving economic dynamism and serve as a major source of productivity growth. The objective of this report is to help the...
While Malaysia’s digital economy had already been growing rapidly over the past decade, the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has further accelerated this trend. In particular, increased access to...
The survey implemented in August 2022 shows that economic recovery is taking root in Malaysia as evidenced by the trends in operating hours, sales, and employment. The outlook of firms is positive and...
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) business pulse survey (BPS) is a rapid survey designed to measure the various channels of impact of COVID-19 on firms, firm adjustment strategies, and public policy...
With Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) constituting a large proportion of Malaysian enterprises and making significant contributions to employment, GDP, and exports, it is vital for the achievement of...
In the context of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and its impact on Malaysia's economy, the need to foster the emergence of an innovation-led economy has taken on increasing urgency. Public-sector...
The COVID-19 Business Pulse Survey (BPS) is a rapid survey designed to measure the various channels of impact of COVID-19 on firms, firm adjustment strategies, and public policy responses. The World Bank...
The re-imposition of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) during mid-October 2020 and the upgrade to a stricter lockdown to Movement Control Order in January 2021 (MCO 2.0) has substantially weakened...
In recent months, there has been a steep increase in the number of daily new cases and, more disturbingly, in the number of deaths. While it took almost one year for Malaysia to record its first 100,000...
Bold policies needed to boost economic recovery and improve social stability. Like Hydra, the many-headed monster of Greek myth, COVID-19 (coronavirus) is proving hard to suppress even a year after the...
This report seeks to deepen policy makers’ understanding of the critical role for innovation in the future growth and development of developing East Asia. To achieve this, the report examines the region’s...
Malaysia is likely to make the transition from an upper-middle-income economy to a high-income economy within the next five years, despite the setback of the COVID-19-induced recession in 2020. This transition...
This report seeks to deepen policy makers’ understanding of the critical role for innovation in the future growth and development of developing East Asia. To achieve this, the report examines the region’s...
The COVID-19 Business Pulse Survey (BPS) is a rapid survey designed to measure the various channels of impact of COVID-19 on firms, firm adjustment strategies, and public policy responses. The World Bank...
The impact of the pandemic is expected to lead to the first increase in global extreme poverty since 1998, effectively wiping out the progress made since 2017. Despite myriad challenges, there are encouraging...
The transition to a more innovation-based growth model is even more urgent in the current uncertain global context[1]. While the GDP growth rate has proven resilient in recent years, declining oil and...
Traditionally, government and business had few incentives to actively collaborate. For the most part, government regulated business, and business lobbied government on areas of economic interest. When...