Innovations to date in detecting women’s employment have focused primarily on improving individual-level questions. This paper explores an alternative approach, using data on household enterprises and...
Quality assurance systems have been implemented or are under development in a number of low- and middle-income countries in an effort to observe the quality of education and deploy targeted measures to...
By the time children in low- and middle-income countries start primary school, large socioeconomic disparities are evident in children’s learning and development. Both pre-primary and home environments...
Child marriage has lasting negative health, human capital, and welfare consequences. Conflict settings are characterized by a number of complex changes that can potentially increase the risk of child marriage...
Our paper contributes to this literature in several important ways. First, the existing literature on the impact of childcare subsidies is from contexts with relatively higher rates of female labor force...
Forced displacement has disrupted Syrian refugees’ lives and exposed them to new communities and norms. This paper assesses how gender norms shape the lives of Syrian refugee adolescent girls in Jordan...
The traditional unequal division of household chores and caregiving hinder women from entering the labor market. Women in Egypt spend 9.5 hours more on unpaid household chores for every hour spent by men...
Formalizing firms can potentially increase the tax base, expand safety and social protections for workers, create good jobs, and grow the economy. However, the costs and processes of formality may be too...
Education has a large untapped potential to contribute to human capital, well-being, and wealth in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). In fact, it has been at the heart of the region's history...
Participatory community development programs are designed to match government investments with local needs. In Morocco, where issues of inequality and poverty are high on the national agenda, a community...
Early childhood development is a critical, but often neglected, phase of human development. Shortfalls in early childhood development have historically been a challenge in Morocco, with children facing...
Early childhood is the most important stage of human development. In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), there is little research and inadequate investment in this crucial stage of life. This book...
Early childhood is the most important stage of human development. In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), there is little research and inadequate investment in this crucial stage of life. This book...