Экономические перспективы Казахстана на следующие два года указывают на стабильный рост, который будет достигнут отчасти за счет дальнейшего использования углеродов, а также благодаря увеличению потребительских...
Kazakhstan’s economic outlook for the next two years is one of steady growth, driven in part from its continued reliance on hydrocarbons and by stronger consumer spending. Real GDP is forecast to grow...
Global activity is now moderating from a strong rebound following the pandemic recession. Inflation has risen to become a central concern, with global financial conditions tightening as central banks act...
Oil prices saw sharp moves in June and July because of both demand and production factors. The price of Brent crude oil averaged at US73 dollars/bbl in June, marking a seven percent increase from May and...
COVID-19 (coronavirus) has taken a heavy toll on Turkey, as it has across much of the world. New estimates of total COVID-19 cases indicate that the epidemic grew rapidly over November and into December...
Despite an initial surge in COVID-19 cases, cross country data suggests that Turkey containedrelatively quickly the spread and worst health effects of the virus. As in other countries, however, continued...
The Turkish economy has experienced major external adjustments over the past 12 months, including declining current account imbalances, reduced external debt of banks, and a recovery in portfolio flows...
Turkey has moved rapidly from a current account that was relatively in balance up to the turn of the millennia, to sustaining relatively large current account deficits over the past 15 years. Using annual...
Mid-2018 was a period of intense market volatility and rising economic stress in Turkey that wasprecipitated by existing macroeconomic imbalances and elevated political tensions with the US.A confluence...
Growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) continues to be resilient and in line with previous expectations. Already robust domestic demand has been supported by some pickup in external demand and...
In the six months since the previous East Asia and Pacific (EAP) economic update, developing EAP has faced a challenging external environment. Financial market conditions in the region, however, have been...
This systematic country diagnostic (SCD) identifies the key constraints and opportunities to reducing poverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner for eight small Pacific island countries...
Development policy operations (DPOs) provide quick-disbursing general budget support against a program of critical structural reforms in areas of sectoral or overall economic policy. DPOs have become a...
This issue of the East Asia and Pacific economic update is based on data available through September 29, inclusive. This report also includes a special section, focusing on two crucial medium-term issues...
This paper seeks to provide evidence on the extent of household vulnerability to exogenous economic shocks in the Pacific region and consider policy options that help to manage this risk. Characteristics...
Samoa's fiscal position and the structure of its budget have evolved markedly in recent years. Samoa had built up sufficient fiscal space in the early to mid-2000s to be able to respond to a major exogenous...
Papua New Guinea's (PNGs) economy has slowed from the very strong growth rates of recent years, as construction of the PNG liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility nears completion and export prices weaken...
Drawing on Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability assessment scores from 118 countries, this paper provides the first comparative analysis of public financial management performance in small Pacific...