Every year, millions of the world's poorest people die from preventable diseases caused by inadequate water supply and excreta disposal, or sanitation, services. Women and children are the main victims...
В исследовании представлены выводы о системах Оценки воздействия на окружающую среду (ОВОС) в 28 странах ЕЦА с указанием их сильных и слабых сторон и рекомендации относительно действий Всемирного банка...
The study draws conclusions about the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) systems of the 28 ECA countries - highlighting their strengths and deficiencies - and it recommends actions for the World Bank...
Convention to Combat Desertification. "Greening Industry" publication launch and seminar. NGO-World Bank committee meeting rescheduled. "Hotspots" launch. World Bank/WWW launch. World Bank/WWW high-level...