The World Bank Group supports countries in building a better future through green, resilient, and inclusive development (GRID). This includes countries’ efforts to harness the potential of forests to reduce...
A participatory forest governance assessment was conducted in Mozambique in 2016, revealing a consensus among stakeholders that governance is weak, particularly around the implementation of laws and regulations...
Liberia is the most forested country in West Africa, with more than two thirds of its land surface covered by forest. In 2019, 47.5 percent of the Liberian households (HHs) lived in proximity to and were...
Liberia is one of the most forested countries in West Africa, with more than two thirds of its land surface covered by forest. The National Forest Inventory, conducted by the Liberia Forestry Development...
This report presents the findings from an institutional capacity assessment of Liberia's Forestry Development Authority (FDA) based on a survey of FDA employees. The FDA plays a pivotal role in managing...
This report presents the findings from an institutional capacity assessment of Liberia's Forestry Development Authority (FDA) based on a survey of FDA employees. The FDA plays a pivotal role in managing...
The key objectives of the Liberia Country Forest Note are to (a) identify opportunities and shape a more programmatic approach to the World Bank's engagement (that is, further analytical support, policy...
The use of the phrase, ‘political economy’ originates in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and is also found in the writings of David Ricardo and Karl Marx. What is presently understood as ‘economics’ was...
The report is structured in six sections. The first section of the report sets out more information about the diagnostic exercise, including how forest governance is defined and measured for the purpose...
This is a guide to diagnosing strengths and weaknesses in forest governance using a tool developed by PROFOR (Program on Forests). The tool consists of a set of indicators and a protocol for scoring the...
Burkina Faso has experienced continued degradation of its natural resources (forests, farm and grazing lands, lakes, and rivers) on which nearly 90 percent of the population depends for their living. The...
This book examines the 35-year career of Vinod Thomas. He spent those 35 years within the World Bank Group in different positions and in different regions. This book is organized in four parts. First...
Contents include: a letter from our Vice President, Katherine Sierra; director's overview ; tackling governance in the forest sector - current challenges in Russia and the way forward; how much have we...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This book is presented in the spirit of continuous inquiry and feedback in framing development thinking. It reaffirms the crucial contribution of market-friendly policies. It also highlights key missing...
This book is presented in the spirit of continuous inquiry and feedback in framing development thinking. It reaffirms the crucial contribution of market-friendly policies. It also highlights key missing...
В этом докладе размышление о процессах развития принимает форму часто возникающих вопросов и ответов на них, подтверждается решающее значение мер политики, способствующих развитию рынка, и освещаются недостающие...
This book is presented in the spirit of continuous inquiry and feedback in framing development thinking. It reaffirms the crucial contribution of market-friendly policies. It also highlights key missing...
This book is presented in the spirit of continuous inquiry and feedback in framing development thinking. It reaffirms the crucial contribution of market-friendly policies. It also highlights key missing...