Southeast Asian crisis reduces bond volumes. Loan volume remains strong. Stock markets fall nine percent. Foreign Direct Investment to Latin America accelerates in 1997. Multilateral commitments up slightly.
Bond issuances surge to record $35 billion Spreads narrow but maturities decline Stock markets up 5% New equity issues more than double Latin America leads in privatizations
Bond volumes hit record levels. Secondary market prices prise. Syndicated loans dip well below 1995 levels. Emerging stock markets up again. New equity issues leap ahead.
Developing-country bond issues decline slightly in the third quarter. More Easter European and North African countries tap the market. Developing-country issuers continue to expand funding sources. Syndicated...
Developing-country bond issues continue upward trend. Dollar market gains ground. Thailand allows IFC to issue bath bonds. Secondary market prices up in second quarter. Loan commitments fell in second...
Investors favor longer maturities, fixed-rate issues in first quarter. Rise in BIS Banks' cross-border claims slows in 1995's third quarter. Borrowing for project finance plummets in first quarter of 1996...
China's equity markets take off. Borrowing in medium- and long-term debt continues upward. Bond issues retreat in the fourth quarter, but set record for the year. Smaller issues, shorter maturities, and...
Portfolio flows after Mexico : the end of innocence. Bond issues gain momentum. Bank's cross-border claims and net credit continue to expand. Bank's exposure in developing countries rises. Emerging stock...
East Asia's bond markets set to explode. Developing countries raise less in medium- and long-term debt. Bond issuers offer shorter maturities and higher spreads. Lower bond borrowing in capital markets...
Integration with world markets reduces volatility of emerging equity markets. Investors rethink developing-country risk on rising interest rates and the crisis in Mexico. Bond issues higher but regional...
Industrial countries favor developing countries as locations for foreign direct investment. Developing-country bond issues rebound in the third quarter. Smaller issues, shorter maturities, and higher spreads...
International capital market activity slowed in the second quarter of 1993. Bond issues were well down on the record high of the first quarter. Lending revived, thanks more to special factors, than to...
The hows, whys, and wheres of private capital inflows. In the second quarter bond issues by developing countries continue to slide. In uncertain markets, investors shift into floating-rate notes; shorter...