Analyzing the macroeconomic consequences of a transition to a net-zero economy creates specific modeling challenges, including those related to the non-marginal nature of the required transformation, the...
This paper investigates the effects of pollution on labor productivity in Chile. Data on fine particulate matter pollution in Chile were collected and matched to sectoral labor productivity at the city...
How the enforcement of competition regulation of information and communications technology affects growth depends on how well firms adapt to competitive pressure. This paper tests this empirically using...
In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, any action to adapt to future climate change impacts needs to consider poverty and fiscal implications. The COVID-19 crisis put significant pressure on government...
Natural disasters can generate substantial damages to public and private sector infrastructure capital, generating macroeconomic losses through complex channels. To minimize the welfare impact of these...
Countries with high debt exposure are vulnerable to economic and financial shocks that could lead to sovereign defaults. This paper develops a methodology to identify countries that are at risk of debt...
As the effects of climate change become increasingly evident, the design and implementation of climate-aware policies have assumed a more central role in the macroeconomic policy debate. With this has...
This paper aims to contribute to the Government’s plans by highlighting key policy options for reforming the tax system to address environmental concerns. It does this through firstly assessing the existing...
The Republic of North Macedonia continues to improve its environmental performance and the efficacy of its environmental regulation. As part of this effort, the World Bank is working with the Government...
This paper addresses several shortcomings in the productivity and markup estimation literature. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, the analysis shows that the methods in Ackerberg, Caves and Frazer (2015)...
This paper describes a modeling methodology that embeds climate damages from natural disasters and risk management strategies into a macroeconomic model for Jamaica. The modeled damages take the form of...
This paper proposes a leading indicator, the "Google Mobility Index," for nowcasting monthly industrial production growth rates in selected economies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The index is constructed...
Policy toward fiscal rules is an important issue in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia). According to a rough estimate...
This paper outlines the structure and economic foundation of the World Bank's macroeconomic and fiscal model (MFMod). MFMod consists of individual country models for 181 countries. The models are used...
This paper summarizes the World Bank's approach to identifying parameters for key equations in its macro structural model for countries where short sample sizes or major structural changes render traditional...
Fiscal buffers have shrunk across the world. This paper argues that limited fiscal room in emerging market economies today is partly due to the commodity super cycle of 2000-15. The super cycle created...
Would improvements in port performance increase trade in countries on the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans? Previous studies attempted to answer this question using ad hoc measures of port efficiency...