The Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) is a forum for discussion and debate of important policy issues facing developing countries. The conferences emphasize the contribution...
The Bank adapts to changing circumstances in transition economies - interview with Vice President Johannes Linn; by Richard Hirschler. Dividing transition gains and losses: pensions, privatization, and...
A changing development landscape : globalization and localization, by Shahid Yusuf. What went wrong with foreign advice in Ukraine?, by Vira Nanivska. How to better manage China's state owned enterprises:...
A changing development landscape : globalization and localization, by Shahid Yusuf. What went wrong with foreign advice in Ukraine?, by Vira Nanivska. How to better manage China's state owned enterprises?...
Since 1987, managers and workers in the former Soviet Union have been able to acquire significant property rights in their enterprises on their own initiative. This is spontaneous privatization. This paper...
There has been rapid development of new banks in the Former Soviet Union, but the precise nature of these banks remain unclear. Based on interviews with banks in Kiev, capital of Ukraine, conducted primarily...
The economic performance of independent Ukraine has been disappointing. Whie being adversely affected by disruption of trade and higher energy prices related to the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine...
The Bank's retail price surveys show that food prices increased about fifteen times over the past year in Kiev while nominal wages rose less than ten times. This dramatic fall in the measured real wage...