The impacts of speed on the safety of road users, on congestion, on pollution, and on total costs of road travel are broadly misunderstood: often based on wrong assumptions, with effects taken as self-evident...
This guide provides advice on 'What Works and What Does Not Work' in road safety, with a focus on interventions that can be used by those working in low- and middle-come countries (LMICs). While the intended...
The impacts of speed on the safety of road users, on congestion, on pollution, and on total costs of road travel are broadly misunderstood: often based on wrong assumptions, with effects taken as self-evident...
The road safety record in Mozambique is poor. In fact, it is one of the worst-performing countries in Africa, and in the world. Mozambique suffers 30 deaths per 100,000 people. Gender considerations are...
The road safety record in Mozambique is poor. In fact, it is one of the worst-performing countries in Africa, and in the world. Mozambique suffers 30 deaths per 100,000 people. Gender considerations are...
The intent of this Low-Speed Zone Guide (LSZ Guide) is to empower communities and decision-makers to implement effective low-speed zones. Understanding there are already many detailed technical design...
The impacts of speed on the safety of road users, on congestion, on pollution, and on total costs of road travel are broadly misunderstood: often based on wrong assumptions, with effects taken as self-evident...
Low, and middle-income countries (LMICs) are facing a major challenge in road safety. Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on the worlds’ roads, and a further 50 million are injured, with the vast...
Low- and middle- income countries typically lack adequate systems for collecting road crash data. This limits their capacity to monitor, effectively advocate for, manage, and efficiently improve road safety...
Road crashes are among the most significant public health issues of the century; they account for 97 percent of deaths across all modes of transport. The latest WHO estimate of 1.34 million road crash...
Safety is one of four global goals identified in the Global Mobility Report (GMR)—along with universal access, efficiency, and green mobility. The safety goal is aimed at curbing the human pain, suffering...
As part of a long-term partnership between the World Bank and Brazil, the Federal Government of Brazil sought the World Bank’s assistance to review road safety management capacity in Brazil, building both...