The Mekong Delta (MKD) is Vietnam’s most productive agricultural region, and its agroeconomy is well integrated into international markets. Nevertheless, there are increasing threats to the MKD’s agricultural...
Across Asia, cities are contending with a wide range of food-related issues but most lack a dedicated or coherent set of food policies. For most cities in Asia, food has been a policy and governance blind...
In recent decades, the agriculture and fisheries sector in the Philippines has grown but has clearly not lived up to its potential. Philippine agriculture has weathered the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)...
Across Asia, cities are contending with a wide range of food-related issues but most lack a dedicated or coherent set of food policies. For most cities in Asia, food has been a policy and governance blind...
Like other rapidly growing and urbanizing middle-income countries, the Philippines is experiencing a structural transformation of its economy. Structural transformation has progressed slowly in the Philippines...
Globally, Vietnam is among the most open economies with a trade-to-GDP ratio of 190 percent in 2018. Through the removal of both tariff and non-tariff barriers and fulfilling its commitment in several...
Agriculture continues to play a very important role in Myanmar’s economy. For many years, understanding the dynamics and performance of Myanmar’s agriculture has been difficult due to the absence of reliable...
Indonesia is experiencing rapid urbanization, demographic changes, and changing dietary preferences. These trends have implications for the future of food demand and supply in the country. The study shows...
This paper summarizes the Benchmarking of Myanmar’s Food Systems report. Considering a wide variety of performance indicators, Myanmar’s agriculture and overall agri-food system appear to be lagging behind...
The evolution of technical regulations and standards in the area of food safety and quality are of great concern to donors aiming to provide support for the establishment and/or enhancement of agri-food...
Food safety is linked in direct and indirect ways to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those on ending hunger and poverty, and promoting good health and well-being. Food and...
Farm jobs are in decline in Vietnam, but they still account for more than 40 percent of total labor force. Agriculture is especially good in providing jobs and incomes to the poor and ethnic minorities...
What should a "Modern Food System" in a predominantly agricultural economy embarking on an ambitious transformation agenda, rapidly evolving food system, and co-existing within a rapidly shifting global...
Vietnam's 50 million jobs are a cornerstone of its economic success. The transformation toward services and manufacturing, and impressive labor productivity and wage growth led to plunging poverty rates...
Vietnam's 50 million jobs are a cornerstone of its economic success. The transformation toward services and manufacturing, and impressive labor productivity and wage growth led to plunging poverty rates...
This study, which focuses on three countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, is intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and cross-cutting understanding of the nature and magnitude of the agricultural...
This study, which focuses on three countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, is intended to contribute to a more comprehensive and cross-cutting understanding of the nature and magnitude of the agricultural...
Growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) continues to be resilient and in line with previous expectations. Already robust domestic demand has been supported by some pickup in external demand and...
Vietnamese agriculture has experienced remarkable growth over the past twenty years. Today, however, Vietnamese agriculture is edging toward the limits of a growth model rooted more in the intensification...
Vietnamese agriculture has experienced remarkable growth over the past twenty years. Today, however, Vietnamese agriculture is edging toward the limits of a growth model rooted more in the intensification...