The World Bank Group (WBG), in collaboration with the Government of Bihar, is implementing a government-to-person (G2P) health payments project with co-funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...
This Focus Note presents key findings of a 2008 report on implementing Financial Action task Force (FATF) standards in developing countries The Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening(FIRST) Initiative...
This Focus Note presents key findings of a 2008 report on implementing Financial Action task Force (FATF) standards in developing countries The Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening(FIRST) Initiative...
Although the money transfers market offers tantalizing opportunities for financial service providers, the risks can be high. This technical guide helps delineate when offering transfers is of interest...
This appraisal guide and its companion resource manual incorporate the latest microfinance knowledge and best practices to form a comprehensive guide that analysts can use to evaluate microfinance institutions...
Although the money transfers market offers tantalizing opportunities for financial service providers, the risks can be high. This technical guide helps delineate when offering transfers is of interest...
The self-help group (SHG) model is the dominant form of microfinance in India. SHGs have grown explosively in recent years. It is reported that by March 2006, 2.23 million SHGs were reaching about 33 million...
The self-help group (SHG) model is the dominant form of microfinance in India. SHGs have grown explosively in recent years. It is reported that by March 2006, 2.23 million SHGs were reaching about 33 million...
The self-help group (SHG) model is the dominant form of microfinance in India. SHGs have grown explosively in recent years. It is reported that by March 2006, 2.23 million SHGs were reaching about 33 million...
Contents include: Era of good governance, by Madani M. Tall; Governance and anti-corruption by Mademba Ndiaye; Bank services for the poor, by Sameer Badawi and Jennifer Isern; Environment of the private...
This appraisal guide and its companion resource manual incorporate the latest microfinance knowledge and best practices to form a comprehensive guide that analysts can use to evaluate microfinance institutions...
Although the money transfers market offers tantalizing opportunities for financial service providers, the risks can be high. This technical guide helps delineate when offering transfers is of interest...
This Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) examines the efficacy of microfinance aid in Madagascar, based on an objective analysis of donor assistance for the sustainable development...
The Madagascar Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) was conducted in Antananarivo from April 26 to May 17, 2005. The CLEAR analyzes donor effectiveness in microfinance and helps...
The Madagascar Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) was conducted in Antananarivo from April 26 to May 17, 2005. The CLEAR analyzes donor effectiveness in microfinance and helps...
This Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) examines the efficacy of microfinance aid in Madagascar, based on an objective analysis of donor assistance for the sustainable development...
There is a vast potential market for retail financial services among low-income clients, and a growing number of commercial banks have successfully entered this market. These are the findings of recent...
Несмотря на то что было очень много написано о выгодах, которые система денежных переводов может принести поставщикам ориентированных на бедные слои населения финансовых услуг и их клиентам, имеется лишь...
Although much has been written about the benefits that money transfers could bring to pro-poor financial service providers and their clients, relatively little information is available on how they might...
Although much has been written about the benefits that money transfers could bring to pro-poor financial service providers and their clients, relatively little information is available on how they might...