This note assesses the short-to-medium term impact of the COVID crisis on emerging African pension fund sectors’ portfolio management approaches and related challenges and opportunities that the crisis...
Policy makers apply skilled labor gap projections to their immigration policies in a number of ways including: differentiating immigration policies by region, based on skills supply and demand mismatches;...
Policy makers apply skilled labor gap projections to their immigration policies in a number of ways including: differentiating immigration policies by region, based on skills supply and demand mismatches;...
The world economy is in the midst of a transformative change. One of the most visible outcomes of this transformation is the rise of a number of dynamic emerging-market countries to the helm of the global...
A substantive literature suggests that migration generates benefits for migrants, the host societies, and the countries of origin. The economic benefits for the countries of origin are realized primarily...
The world economy is in the midst of a transformative change. One of the most visible outcomes of this transformation is the rise of a number of dynamic emerging-market countries to the helm of the global...
Drawing on the findings from responses to a survey conducted in 2008-09 from 114 central banks worldwide (of which 33 are in Africa), this paper aims to better understand how central banks and other national...
With the exception of South Africa, local financial markets in sub-Saharan Africa remain underdeveloped and small, with a particular dearth of financing with maturity terms commensurate with the medium-...
The globalization of corporate finance also points to other challenges. As emerging-market corporations have expanded their international operations, they have increased their exposure to interest rate...
This briefing note summarizes ongoing work that examines how oil export revenues are being recycled in the recent oil price increase (2002-present) as compared with the previous episode in 1979-81. Main...
Global Development Finance is the World Bank's annual review of global financial conditions facing developing countries. The current volume provides analysis of key trends and prospects, including coverage...