This study is a first-ever attempt to gain a 360° panoramic view of spending in theentire global water sector to better understand the financing and funding gaps inrelation to sector goals, and consequently...
Understanding the specific factors associated with cholera outbreaks is an integral part of designing better approaches to mitigate their impact. This paper uses georeferenced case data from the cholera...
The severity of COVID-19 disease varies substantially between individuals, with some infections being asymptomatic while others are fatal. Several risk factors have been identified that affect the progression...
Chapter one posits that many of the challenges that the infrastructure sectors face could benefit from the use of a behavioral lens. It outlines a theoretical framework to view infrastructure challenges...
Despite Bangladesh's notable progress toward the eradication of open defecation, the country still faces severe deficits in the availability of improved sanitation. This paper analyzes the impact of exposure...
Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions are increasingly recognized as essential for improving nutritional outcomes in children. Emerging literature describes the negative effects of poor sanitation...
According to the 2015 Tanzania Water Point Mapping data, about 29 percent of all water points are non-functional, out of which 20 percent failed within the first year. This paper analyzes the various factors...