This issue includes the following: Does Urbanization Affect Rural Poverty? Evidence from Indian Districts by Massimiliano Cali and Carlo Menon. Learning versus Stealing: How Important are Market-Share...
Africa's economic performance has been widely viewed with pessimism. In this paper, firm-level data for around 80 countries are used to examine formal firm performance. Without controls, manufacturing...
Recent trade theory emphasizes the role of market-share reallocations across firms ("stealing") in driving productivity growth, whereas previous literature focused on average productivity improvements...
This issue includes the following: mashup indices of development; impact analysis of rural electrification projects in Sub-Saharan Africa; what can we learn about the 'resource curse' from foreign aid?...
The authors link industry-level data on trade and offshoring with individual-level worker data from the Current Population Surveys. They find that occupational exposure to globalization is associated with...
The 1990's dealt a blow to traditional Heckscher-Ohlin analysis of the relationship between trade and income inequality, as it became clear that rising inequality in low-income countries and other features...
This issue includes the following: the new structural economics comments on the new structural economics; gender and firm creation; enterprise performance; and business environments and development.
Recent trade theory emphasizes the role of market-share reallocations across firms ("stealing") in driving productivity growth, while the older literature focused on average productivity improvements ("learning")...
The authors identifies a new set of stylized facts on the 2008-2009 trade collapse that they hope can be used to shed light on the importance of demand and supply-side factors in explaining the fall in...
The authors investigate how institutions affect productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI) to China's domestic industrial enterprises during 1998-2007. They examine three institutional...
The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it documents the changing global landscape before and after the crisis, emphasizing the shift towards multipolarity. In particular, it emphasizes the ascent of...
The authors compare the performance of public and private sector manufacturing firms in Indonesia for 1981-95. They analyze whether public sector inefficiency is due primarily to agency-type problems ("ownership")...
This book contains a series of papers presented at the final conference sponsored by the Trade Expansion Program (TEP). The first chapter provides an overview of some of the lessons learned from the TEP's...
Many developing countries now actively solicit foreign investment, offering firms subsidies, tax holidays, and exemptions from import duties. One justification for subsidizing these firms is the so-called...
Many developing countries now actively solicit foreign investment, offering income tax holidays, import duty exemptions, and subsidies to foreign firms. One reason for subsidizing these firms is the positive...
This paper analyzes changes in firm behaviour and productivity during trade liberalization in the Code d'Ivoire. For a panel of 287 firms, market power was estimated before and after a trade reform implemented...
In the 1980s Pakistan's manufacturing sector resumed the rapid growth that had characterized the post-independence period of the 1950s and 1960s. This renewal has coincided with a policy of deregulating...
In the 1980s Pakistan's manufacturing sector resumed the rapid growth that had characterized the post-independence period of the 1950s and 1960s. This renewal has coincided with a policy of deregulating...