This issue includes the following: mashup indices of development; impact analysis of rural electrification projects in Sub-Saharan Africa; what can we learn about the 'resource curse' from foreign aid?...
This issue includes the following: the new structural economics comments on the new structural economics; gender and firm creation; enterprise performance; and business environments and development.
India is currently witness to two trends that have the potential to significantly improve the health of its people. The first is the growing recognition that the system of public delivery of health services...
A critical objective of Egypt's long-run development plan (through 2022), is the "alleviation of poverty and attenuation of income disparities." Contributing to the refinement of a strategy to meet this...
Unannounced visits were made to health clinics in Bangladesh to determine what proportion of medical professionals were at their assigned post. Averaged over all job categories and types of facility, the...
Trade policy and poverty reduction in Brazil by Glenn W Harrison, Thomas F. Rutherford, David G. Tarr, and Angelo Gurgel; Trade liberalization and industry wage structure: evidence from Brazil by Nina...
The authors develop a method in which vignettes-a battery of questions for hypothetical cases-are evaluated with item response theory to create a metric for doctor quality. The method allows a simultaneous...
The quality of medical care is a potentially important determinant of health outcomes. Nevertheless, it remains an understudied area. The limited research that exists defines quality either on the basis...
Infectious diseases, public policy, and the marriage of economics and epidemiology; by Mark Gersovitz and Jeffrey S. Hammer. Globalization and the labor market; by Martin Rama. Developing countries; changing...
The authors report on a study in which unannounced visits were made to health clinics in Bangladesh with the intention of discovering what fraction of medical professionals were present at their assigned...
This study examines the impact of a fee-waiver program for basic medical services on health care utilization in Armenia. Because of the reduction in public financing of health services and decentralization...
Weathering the storm : the impact of the East Asian crisis on farm households in Indonesia and Thailand; by Fabrizio Bresciani, Gershon Feder, Daniel O. Gilligan, Hanan G. Jacoby, Tongroj Onchan, and Jaime...
This article presents an approach to public policy in health that comes directly from the literature on public economics. It identifies two characteristic market failures in health. The first is the existence...
Despite interesting work on infectious diseases by such economists as Peter Francis, Michael Kremer, and Tomas Philipson, the literature does not set out the general structure of externalities involved...
The authors examine the design and limitations of incentives for health care providers to serve in rural areas in developing countries. Governments face two problems: it is costly to compensate well-trained...
International approaches to global climate change; by Richard N. Cooper. Comments on Cooper; by Kenneth J. Arrow. Understanding how contagion spreads; by Rudiger Dornbusch, Yung Chul Park, and Stijn Claessens...
Recent empirical and theoretical literature sheds light on the disappointing experience with implementation of primary health care programs in developing countries. This article focuses on the evidence...
The authors show how the recent empirical and theoretical literature on health policy sheds light on the disappointing experience with the implementation of primary health care. They emphasize the evidence...
As governments grow richer, the share of their GDP devoted to public spending rises. Public spending in the United States was 7.5 percent of GDP in 1913. It is 33 percent today. Although industrial countries...
This article addresses the problem of how to determine the optimal allocation of public expenditure in the health sector. The first part poses the question: How should the set of services provided in the...