Digital technologies are transforming how individuals, businesses, and governments interact, creating new opportunities to address long-standing development challenges. In Jamaica, the Vision 2030 document...
Albania is gradually emerging from the unprecedented economic disruptions caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As the pandemic is overcome, it is crucial to shift attention back...
Rapid digital transformation has been re-shaping the global economy, changing fundamental patterns of socioeconomic activities and accelerating further in the wake of the global Coronavirus (COVID-19)...
Iraq, once again, is facing a combination of acute shocks which the country is ill-prepared tomanage. The collapse in oil prices has considerably reduced budgetary revenues and reversed the fiscal surpluses...
The Connected Community Initiative (CCI) supports the achievements of the Europe 2020 Agenda and the Gigabit Society targets. The initiative was established in 2015 by the European Commission, Directorate...