Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian education system has been heavily reliant on online learning while also working to sustain key education reforms. Digitalization is essential for delivering...
The World Bank has been implementing the Training Assessment Project (TAP) under the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) Initiative of the World Bank’s (WB) Education Global Practice...
The assessment is aimed at identifying and assessing the current conditions and common practices under which Romanian training institutions operate and providing policy makers and training providers with...
Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate over their lives and is a central driver of sustainable growth and poverty reduction. More human capital is associated...
Since 2014, the armed conflict in Ukraine’s eastern provinces (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk has dealt a heavy blow to people’s lives. The conflict has magnified the long-standing problems and created...
Since 2014, the armed conflict in Ukraine’s eastern provinces (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk has dealt a heavy blow to people’s lives. The conflict has magnified the long-standing problems and created...
Since 2014, the armed conflict in Ukraine’s eastern provinces (oblasts) of Donetsk and Luhansk has dealt a heavy blow to people’s lives. The conflict has magnified the long-standing problems and created...
This report contributes to the scarce literature on labor market outcomes of different levels of education and returns to education in Belarus. Previous calculations of returns to education in Belarus...
Strengthening the quality of education is an imperative for social and economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In support of this objective, the World Bank has concluded a two-stage functional...
The World Bank and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) of Romania through the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) signed an Advisory Services...
Ukraine has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda with great potential to transform and reposition the education system as a driver for economic growth and social prosperity. The reforms introduced following...
Ukraine has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda with great potential to transform and reposition the education system as a driver for economic growth and social prosperity. The reforms introduced following...
Ukraine has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda with great potential to transform and reposition the education system as a driver for economic growth and social prosperity. The reforms introduced following...
The purpose of this report on Uzbekistan Education Sector Analysis (ESA) is to provide a current and comprehensive stocktaking of the outcomes of Uzbekistan’s education system and the challenges faced...