Many low- and middle-income countries lag far behind high-income countries in educational access and student learning. Limited resources mean that policymakers must make tough choices about which investments...
International development policy is ripe for an overhaul.Behavioral science can help policy makers to spur changes in behaviors that are difficult to explain from a conventional economic perspective and...
As of April 8, 2015, Sierra Leone had reported more than 12,000 cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), and over 3,800 deaths. Recent World Health Organization (WHO) reports show that Sierra Leone has seen...
As of January 4, 2015, Sierra Leone had reported nearly 10,000 cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), and nearly 3,000 deaths. While recent World Health Organization (WHO) reports show that the outbreak is...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Pitfalls of participatory programs: evidence from a randomized evaluation in education in India, conducted in between September...
Participation of beneficiaries in the monitoring of public services is increasingly seen as key to improving their efficiency. In India, the current government flagship program on universal primary education...
There is a growing belief in development policy circles that participation by local communities in basic service delivery can promote development outcomes. A central plank of public policy for improving...
In this issue: Special report -Client power: making services work for the poor. The Path to Education: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Making Services Work for Poor People -guest editorial. Voice and Accountability...