Crisis preparedness is crucial to preventing shocks from becoming crises. Investments in ex ante preparedness are especially relevant in countries like Nepal that face high levels of exposure and vulnerability...
Despite a rebound in economic growth following the pandemic, new geopolitical developments and macroeconomic shocks-inflation and monetary responses to inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the...
The main purpose of this Guiding Framework document is to present the key elements of a Nutrition Public Expenditure Review (NPER) and offer guidance, practical steps, and examples on carrying out an NPER...
Despite progress on population health outcomes in recent decades, malnutrition remains a policy concern in Bhutan, especially in rural areas and in the eastern region of the country. Addressing malnutrition...
Nepal reports better nutrition indicators than the South Asian average, though significant geographic and income-related inequalities remain in relation to nutrition outcomes. During the last decade, the...
This study summarizes estimates and lessons learned from application of the scaling up nutrition (SUN) methodology to assess public financing for nutrition in Bhutan. Using Bhutan’s classification of nutrition...