The present study focuses on a particular group of actors along the plastics collection and recycling value chain—informal waste workers (IWWs)—on whom limited information has been collected at the country...
This paper is the main output of an analytical and research program aimed at identifying policy options to develop technology and social innovation driven smart village approaches that can improve service...
The objective of the report is to present the state of the underheating in Georgia and to quantify the economic costs of underheating. It presents estimates of the economic benefits of energy efficiency...
This study assesses Georgia’s national legislation through the lens of the Word Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). The ESF went into effect in 2018, marking a significant step forward in...
This is the fourth in the series of ten good practice notes under the Energy Sector Reform Assessment Framework (ESRAF), an initiative of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) of the...
The development objective of the Empowering Poor Communities and Micro-Entrepreneurs in the Georgia Tourism Sector Project for Georgia is to support employment generating and increase household incomes...
The development objective of the Third Regional Development Project for Georgia is to improve infrastructure services and institutional capacity to support the development of tourism-based economy and...
The objective of the Second Regional Development Project for Georgia is to improve infrastructure services and institutional capacity to support the development of tourism-based economy and cultural heritage...
The objective of the Social Investment and Local Development Project for Armenia is to improve the quality and use of and access to community and intercommunity infrastructure. Some of the negative impacts...
The objective of the Social Investment and Local Development Project for Armenia is to improve the quality and use of and access to community and intercommunity infrastructure. Some of the negative impacts...
The Social Investment and Local Development (SILD) project will be the fourth World Bank-financed project implemented by Armenian Social Investment Fund (ASIF), an implementing agency with strong administrative...
The development objective of the Social Investment and Local Development Project for Armenia is to improve capacities of municipalities in Southern Armenia to provide sustainable public infrastructure...
This report presents findings from 208 focus group discussions held across 8 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia between 2013-2014 that examined households’ experiences with and attitudes to energy...
This toolkit aims to help World Bank task teams working on energy subsidy and tariff reforms to develop qualitative analysis tools. The tools that are described in this document can help task teams to...
Since the 1990s, most states in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) have embarked on energy sector reforms. These have included removing subsidies, which has resulted in increased end-user costs for energy...
Poor urban populations in Southern cities are already experiencing the negative impacts of changing weather patterns associated with climate change and climate variability and future projections suggest...
The book showcases an innovative approach to social policy that the author believes can act to transform the capacity of states to implement policies to enhance equality of opportunity among citizens...