Based on global datasets, 4.5 billion people were exposed to extreme weather events (flood, drought, cyclone, or heatwave) in 2019, an increase from 4 billion in 2010. Among exposed people in 2019, 2.3...
This paper nowcasts poverty in India, one of the countries with the largest population below the international poverty line of $1.90 per person per day. Because the latest official household survey dates...
Global activity is now moderating from a strong rebound following the pandemic recession. Inflation has risen to become a central concern, with global financial conditions tightening as central banks act...
The official poverty rate in Russia has been slowly declining in recent years: from 12.6 percent in 2018, 12.3 percent in 2019 to 12.1 percent in 2020. The economy rebound in the second quarter of 2021...
The unemployment and labor force participation gender gaps narrowed in Mexico after the 2008 global economic crisis, when female labor force participation increased. This paper aims to understand female...
The purpose of this paper is to introduce applications of RUSMOD -- a microsimulation model for fiscal incidence analysis in the Russian Federation. RUSMOD combines household survey micro-data and fiscal...
This paper finds that informal workers are more likely to have inferior work conditions, but do not necessarily report worse subjective well-being. Starting with lower wages, but also with less regularity...
This paper finds that informal workers are more likely to have inferior work conditions, but do not necessarily report worse subjective well-being. Starting with lower wages, but also with less regularity...
This study aims to answer a simple question: what the impact on poverty rates due changes in consumer prices because of changes in market structure of selected goods in Russia will be. It uses WELCOM (Welfare...
Growing informal employment in Russia raises concerns about fiscal sustainability, productivity, and social protection. Cutting through various data and definitions, this report finds one consistent outcome:...
This paper uses Mongolia's Household Socio Economic Survey for 2016 to estimate the distributive impact of taxes and transfers. The findings show that the system is progressive and contributes to reductions...
This paper uses Mongolia’s Household Socio Economic Survey for 2016 to estimate the distributive impact of taxes and transfers. The findings show that the system is progressive and contributes to reductions...
Growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) continues to be resilient and in line with previous expectations. Already robust domestic demand has been supported by some pickup in external demand and...
In the six months since the previous East Asia and Pacific (EAP) economic update, developing EAP has faced a challenging external environment. Financial market conditions in the region, however, have been...
China's economic growth continues to moderate, in 2014 gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 7.4 percent, within the government's indicative growth target of about 7.5 percent for the year, but sharply...
China's economic growth continues to moderate, in 2014 gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 7.4 percent, within the government's indicative growth target of about 7.5 percent for the year, but sharply...
Any time there is an economic crisis; there is the very real potential that its consequences for human welfare will be severe. Thus when the developed world plunged into such a crisis in 2008 and growth...
The Mexico country partnership strategy (CPS), covering FY2014-2019, is fully aligned with the goals of Mexico's national development plan (NDP) for 2013-2018 and supports the Government of Mexico's development...
The 2008-09 economic crisis has had a long-lasting negative impact on the Mexican economy. This paper examines labor market dynamics in Mexico in light of the crisis. The labor market has been characterized...