Antidumping is by far the most prevalent instrument applied by countries to impose new import restrictions. In the 1980s antidumping was used mainly by a handful of industrial countries. More recently...
How tightly are trade negotiators held to winning a dollar of concession for each dollar of concession granted? The outcome of the Uruguay Round tariff negotiations suggests that such constraints were...
In the Uruguay Round negotiations, trade distorting agricultural policies were taken up substantively for the first time in any round of multi-lateral trade negotiations. Voluntary export restraints outside...
Realizing that trade liberalization would require periodic adjustments because of problems in particular industries, GATT's framers provided that tariff reductions that led to such problems could be renegotiated;...
This book contains a series of papers presented at the final conference sponsored by the Trade Expansion Program (TEP). The first chapter provides an overview of some of the lessons learned from the TEP's...
This publication provides summaries of the tariff liberalization agreed at the Uruguay Round negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The tables provide measures of reductions...
U.S. trade policy since the 1980s has been quite different from trade policy in the first two or three decades after World War II. Until the 1970s, U.S. trade policy was dominated by systematic concerns...
Should fair trade rules be replaced by national or international competition rules? A familiar argument for doing so is that more rigorously enforced competition standards might eliminate the basis for...
The authors try to gauge why the GATT dispute settlement process has, to date, been so ineffective in disciplining the use of antidumping measures. Focusing on the five cases in which panels have completed...
A wide gap separates the rhetoric from the reality of protection in industrial countries. Antidumping is the current reality of that protection. Protectionist interests stretch the definition of dumping...
This paper researched the numbers on U.S. import cases to find out how the Unites States uses antidumping and countervailing duty actions to regulate imports. It describes the procedures followed by the...
Slower growth in the 1980s - of world trade as well as of developing countries' trade - is due mostly to slower income growth, and prospects are that the OECD countries' growth of gross domestic product...