The development objective of Households Natural Gas Connection Project for Egypt aims for greater use of natural gas for domestic users and reduction of government subsidies of the energy sector (LPG)...
The development objective of the Sustainable Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Management Project for Egypt is to improve the management and disposal of targeted stockpiles of obsolete pesticides, including...
The development objective of Household Natural Gas Connection Project for Egypt aims for greater use of natural gas for domestic users and reduction of government subsidies of the energy sector Liquefied...
The development objective of Strengthening Social Safety Net Project for Egypt is to support the borrower to establish an efficient and effective Takaful and Karama cash transfer program and improve access...
The development objective of the Catalyzing Entrepreneurship for Job Creation Project for Egypt is catalyzing entrepreneurship for enhancing economic opportunities and job creation. Some of the negative...
The development objective of the National Railways Restructuring Project for Egypt is to improve the reliability, efficiency, and safety of the railways’ services on targeted sections of the rail network...
The development objective of the National Railways Restructuring Project for Egypt is to improve the reliability, efficiency, and safety of the railways’ services on targeted sections of the rail network...
The objective of the Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project of Egypt is to extend basic sanitation services to rural areas and reduce pollution in irrigation and drainage canals...
The objective of the Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project of Egypt is to extend basic sanitation services to rural areas and reduce pollution in irrigation and drainage canals...
The objective of the Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project of Egypt is to extend basic sanitation services to rural areas and reduce pollution in irrigation and drainage canals...
The objective of the Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project of Egypt is to extend basic sanitation services to rural areas and reduce pollution in irrigation and drainage canals...
The objective of the Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project of Egypt is to extend basic sanitation services to rural areas and reduce pollution in irrigation and drainage canals...
The development objective of the Farm-Level Irrigation Modernization Project for Egypt is to increase agricultural profitability and improve equity in access to higher-quality water for up to 140,000 small-scale...
The development objective of the Helwan South Power Project for Egypt is to transfer rich gas from Raven gas field in north Alex to the western desert gas complex in Alexandria to extract the rich components...