The Education Finance Watch (EFW) is a collaborative effort between the World Bank (WB), the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The EFW aims to provide...
Education needs to recover the space it lost in national budgets because of COVID-19. Many LICs and LMICs decreased the prioritization of education spending with the onset of COVID-19. Half of these countries...
The overall objective of the Public Expenditure Review (PER) for primary and secondary education is to assess the quality and efficiency of public spending on education in order to recommend measures to...
A country’s education system plays a pivotal role in promoting economic growth and shared prosperity.Sri Lanka has enjoyed high school-attainment and enrollment rates for several decades. However, it still...
This book analyzes skills demand and supply in Sri Lanka and scrutinizes how skills are formed, the factors shaping skills demand, and the responsiveness of the system. Sri Lanka has made strong progress...
This book analyzes skills demand and supply in Sri Lanka and scrutinizes how skills are formed, the factors shaping skills demand, and the responsiveness of the system. Sri Lanka has made strong progress...
For the past decade, South Asian governments have been investing heavily to achieve the education millennium development goals (MDGs). The region has also made great progress in enrolling girls in both...
Although Pakistan has made some progress in improving access to education over the past decade, it still faces major challenges in providing access to quality education at all levels. It has the world's...