The main objectives of this paper are to estimate the burden of tobacco-caused mortality as a whole and by main tobacco-related diseases in Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, and to assess...
Theme of the Issue: Human Capital. Returns on schooling in transition countries by Ruslan Yemtsov, Stefania Cnobloch, and Cem Mete. Returns on education in Russia by Irina Denisova and Marina Kartseva...
Тема номера: Человеческий капитал. Руслан Емцов, Стефания Кноблох, Джем Мете: "Отдача от школьного образования в странах с переходной экономикой". Ирина Денисова, Марина Карцева: "Оценка отдачи от образовательных...
In this issue: Global poverty reduction via expanding opportunities; by Timothy Besley, Robin Burgess, and David Donaldson. Interview with Alberto Alesina. Good_bye Lenin (or not)? The effect of communism...
В этом выпуске: Тимоти Бесли, Робин Берджес, Дэвид Доналдсон: "Глобальное снижение бедности через расширение возможностей". Альберто Алесина, Никола Фукс Шундельн: "Гудбай, Ленин? Влияние социализма на...
The paper investigates adjustment costs of trade liberalization in Russia by estimating various labor market elasticities with respect to indicators of trade liberalization in the 90-ies. In particular...
Contents: The great Euro debate. Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest: the least expensive cities in Eastern Europe. China's reform focuses on streamlining government. Revisiting good and bad globalizers. World...