Student assessment has been increasingly recognized as playing a key role in monitoring and improving student learning and achievement levels. This case study discusses the important steps that Jordan...
Student assessment has been increasingly recognized as playing a key role in monitoring and improving student learning and achievement levels. This case study discusses the important steps that Jordan...
South-South knowledge exchanges are increasingly recognized as one of the most effective learning and development tools. While it is important to facilitate such exchange of first-hand experiences and...
South-South knowledge exchanges present an excellent model for knowledge sharing between countries, organizations, and individuals. They create opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and dialogue among...
This is the case in Jordan and this quick note is based on a study to better inform decision-makers on policy options regarding the development and expansion of student aid programs in Jordan. The goal...
The Pension Reform Implementation Support Technical Assistance (PRISTA) is a World Bank- executed US$5.8 million grant to the Government of Iraq (GOI), which was formally launched in February 2010. PRISTA...