Accurate and comprehensive measurement of household livelihoods is critical for monitoring progress toward poverty alleviation and targeting social assistance programs for those who most need it. However...
This paper investigates the extent to which real-time indicators derived from internet search, cell phones, and satellites predict changes in household socioeconomic indicators across approximately 300...
The paper presents a methodology to generate experimental small area estimates of poverty in four West African countries: Chad, Guinea, Mali, and Niger. Due to the absence of recent census data in these...
This paper explores trends in and the potential determinants of the types of jobs held by workers, and their relationship with poverty reduction, in an unbalanced panel of 89 countries over the past 30...
This paper describes the state of informal sector work in urban Sub-Saharan Africa, using household surveys from 26 countries representing 61 percent of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa and firm surveys...