L'éducation est la pierre angulaire du développement et un moteur essentiel de la stabilité, de la cohésion sociale et de la paix. Les pays doivent investir dans l'apprentissage aujourd'hui pour construire...
L'éducation est la pierre angulaire du développement et un moteur essentiel de la stabilité, de la cohésion sociale et de la paix. Les pays doivent investir dans l'apprentissage aujourd'hui pour construire...
La presente Estrategia Regional de Educación articula el plan del Banco Mundial (2022-25) para apoyar la educación en África Occidental y Central (AFW). Con base en la evidencia global y regional, las...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
Many children in the region are schooling-deprived because there are no schools or schools are too far from where they live; and many children are learning-deprived as they attend schools with infrastructure...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
Education is the cornerstone of development, and an essential driver of stability, social cohesion, and peace. Countries need to invest in learning today to build the Western and Central Africa of tomorrow...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
The July 2021 release of learning poverty estimates involves several changes to the data underlying the country-level learning poverty figures. This document provides details of the key changes made. Some...
This report highlights how the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis has impacted Nigeria’s economy. In 2020, Nigeria’s economy is expected to experience its deepest recession since the 1980s due to the COVID-19-related...
Private (non-state) sector engagement in the provision of educational services at the primary and secondary levels in South Asia has recently undergone remarkable growth. This type of education comes in...
This book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one is an overview. Chapter two reviews South Asia's recent track record with regard to the quantity and quality of job creation. It traces the relationship...