Women's contributions to poverty reduction, economic growth, and private sector development are increasingly recognized globally. A growing amount of research demonstrates the link between women's empowerment...
This report on Voices of Women Entrepreneurs in Rwanda helps recognize the important role businesswomen play in the country's economy, shedding light on the challenges they face. It also celebrates their...
This report on Voices of Women Entrepreneurs in Rwanda helps recognize the important role businesswomen play in the country's economy, shedding light on the challenges they face. It also celebrates their...
Increasingly, the importance of women's entrepreneurship and its contribution to economic growth is being recognized around the world. Entrepreneurship creates new jobs, which is essential in a country...
Increasingly, the importance of women's entrepreneurship and its contribution to economic growth is being recognized around the world. Entrepreneurship creates new jobs, which is essential in a country...
The Government of Tanzania is committed to supporting women entrepreneurs with both policy and practical support. The Government of Tanzania has made impressive strides in supporting women entrepreneurs...
This study presents an assessment of the role of gender in economic growth in Ghana with emphasis on constraints to enterprise operations, investment, and growth among women owned firms. Anecdotal evidence...
This report examines the legal, administrative, and regulatory barriers that are preventing women in Kenya from contributing fully to the Kenyan economy. Building on the 2004 Foreign Investment and Advisory...
Voices of women entrepreneurs in Kenya is based on interviews and focus group discussions carried out in Nairobi, Mombassa, and Wote in November 2005 and March 2006. The Kenyan government recognizes that...
The Integrated Framework for Trade- Related Technical Assistance (IF) was established in 1997 as a trade-focused tool to accelerate poverty reduction and improve economic performance in the least developed...
The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank. The goals of evaluation are to learn from experience, to provide an objective basis for assessing the results of...
To strengthen Social and Economic Revitalization Projec's (SERP's) efforts, this study explores what conditions need to be met for implementing decentralization while preventing further violence in conflict-ridden...