Chile has achieved high levels of financial inclusion relative to its level of economic development across a number of headline indicators. Unlike in other countries, gaps in account ownership between...
This Technical Note discusses household indebtedness issues in Chile from a financial consumer protection perspective. The note discusses over-indebtedness concerns and other creditrelated issues practices...
The pension system in Chile is known for the 1980 establishment of a defined contribution, individual account system managed by private pension funds (AFPs). In 2008 a major reform of the system took place...
This note assesses competitive dynamics and potential impediments in Chile’s financial sector in order to provide actionable policy recommendations. This note contains both a quantitative as well as qualitative...
This technical note explores the consequences of climate risks for the Chilean financial sector, and the role the financial sector can play in mobilizing resources to finance Chile’s transition to a climate...
At the Cannes Summit in 2011, the G20 launched an initiative to prepare an action plan for the development of local currency bond markets (LCBMs). Since then, the IMF and the World Bank have produced brief...