The paper analyzes the labor market during 1992-2009, the wartime years, and uses the findings to help understand implications for the labor market as the economy grows and recovers from the conflict...
Theme of the Issue: Human Capital. Returns on schooling in transition countries by Ruslan Yemtsov, Stefania Cnobloch, and Cem Mete. Returns on education in Russia by Irina Denisova and Marina Kartseva...
Тема номера: Человеческий капитал. Руслан Емцов, Стефания Кноблох, Джем Мете: "Отдача от школьного образования в странах с переходной экономикой". Ирина Денисова, Марина Карцева: "Оценка отдачи от образовательных...