Over time, no region or country has ever managed to develop without urbanization. Global economic growth has always been accompanied by some form of urbanization. Cities generate higher growth and productivity...
Over time, no region or country has ever managed to develop without urbanization. Global economic growth has always been accompanied by some form of urbanization. Cities generate higher growth and productivity...
The objective of the Ningbo Sustainable Urbanization Project for China is to develop an action plan for restoration and restoration for those affected by the project so that they benefit from the project...
The development objective of Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project for China is to improve local economy and living conditions in selected communities in Gansu Province. Some of the negative impacts...
The development objective of the Wuxikou Integrated Flood Management Project for China is to reduce the flood risk in the central urban area of Jingdezhen city through implementation of priority structural...
The development objective of the Urban Financing and Innovation Project for China is to provide sustainable long-term financing and a package of solutions for the small and middle-sized environmental protection...
The development objective of Huainan Mining Area Rehabilitation Project for China is to remediate and create a public space at the JiuDa mining site in Huainan city. Some of the negative impacts include:...
The development objective of Huainan Mining Area Rehabilitation Project for China is to remediate and create a public space at the JiuDa mining site in Huainan city. Some of the negative impacts include:...
The development objective of the Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project for China is to accelerate the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, promote poverty reduction through industry and cultural...
The development objective of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Municipal Solid Waste Management Project for China is to build capacity and demonstrate best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental...
The development objective of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Municipal Solid Waste Management Project for China is to build capacity and demonstrate best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental...
The development objective of the Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project for China is to accelerate the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, promote poverty reduction through industry and cultural...
The development objective of the Innovations in Solar Power and Hybrid Technologies Project for India is to demonstrate the operational and economic feasibility of utility-scale innovative renewable energy...
Small towns, as the core area in the subsequent poverty alleviation, are playing an important role in the urbanization of China in the next stage. Despite per capita GDP in Shaanxi Province increased in...
The development objective of the Shaanxi Sustainable Towns Development Project for China is to foster regional collaboration, reduce flood risk, and improve urban services in selected towns in southern...
Small towns, as the core area in the subsequent poverty alleviation, are playing an important role in the urbanization of China in the next stage. Despite per capita GDP in Shaanxi Province increased in...
The development objective of the Hunan Integrated Management of Agricultural Land Pollution Project for China is to demonstrate a risk-based integrated approach to managing heavy metal pollution in agricultural...
The development objective of the Hunan Integrated Management of Agricultural Land Pollution Project for China is to demonstrate a risk-based integrated approach to managing heavy metal pollution in agricultural...
The development objective of the Hunan Integrated Management of Contaminated Agricultural Land Project for China is to demonstrate a risk-based integrated approach to managing agricultural land contaminated...