Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa, and it is projected to have the fifth largest population in the world by 2026. The gender gap is particularly acute in Nigeria, and three market failures stand...
There is a strong business and economic case for increasing women’s representation in companies’ leadership, globally, and especially in Africa. In 2019, the International Labor Organization (ILO) conducted...
On the verge of bankruptcy in 2003, the front page of a local newspaper declared that UNA, a 40-year-old university, was about to close its doors. Shock had rippled through Belo Horizonte at the dire prospect...
Coursera, is the largest online learning platform in the world, which partners with prestigious universities to deliver courses and degrees. Coursera is using technology to help end educational privilege...
In the 1990s, Ghana’s education system was in crisis; underfunded infrastructure was deteriorating, and capacity could not meet rising demand. Of the approximately 26,000 students who passed Ghana’s university...
Tec was founded in 1943 by a group of local business people who were concerned about a shortage of engineers and middle managers to support and enable Mexico´s nascent industrialization. Tec was established...
Javeriana is one of the oldest universities in Latin America and one of the strongest brands in Colombian higher education. Originally established in 1623 under the Spanish colony charters by the Jesuit...
In Mexico, diabetes is an epidemic, and it is the leading cause of death. Clinicas has pioneered an innovative, new concept in Mexico for diabetes care. Coordinated care for diabetes and hypertension is...
Across the globe, more children are surviving beyond their fifth birthday. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018 found that between 2000 and 2016, the mortality rate for children under age five...
Ruben Minski’s eventful visit to his client outside London forty-two years ago sparked an entrepreneurial vision that changed the way people take medicine. As the first company to introduce the world to...
Countries around the world have committed to implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Implementation of UHC is a key element of goal number 3 “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for...
Countries around the world have committed to implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Implementation of UHC is a key element of goal number 3 “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for...
Countries around the world have committed to implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Implementation of UHC is a key element of goal number 3 “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for...
Expanding access to quality and affordable healthcare is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. The World Bank Group has a goal to end preventable deaths and...
Expanding access to quality and affordable healthcare is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. The World Bank Group has a goal to end preventable deaths and...
Quality learning is important to prepare students to succeed in the jobs of tomorrow. Yet across the world, a Learning crisis is unfolding. Globally, enrollment gaps between high and low-income countries...
Expanding access to quality and affordable education is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. In developing countries, private education providers play a critical...
This case study explains about the expanding access to quality and affordable healthcare is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. The World Bank Group has a...
As recent as the 1990s, a large share of the Brazilian workforce was largely uneducated. In 1993, a staggering 70 percent of the Brazilian labor force aged 26-30 had not completed secondary school. Some...
In many countries, insurance drives the changes in the marketplace but in India, Apollo Health and Lifestyle Limited (AHLL) is paving the way for a greater acceptance of procedures that are delivered in...