This report presents: background and pilot design; validity of new variables in the proposed PMT model based on pilot data; adjustments to the new vulnerability score; final PMT model; winners and losers...
The analysis and recommendations presented in this paper respond to the request of the government of Georgia to improve the eligibility assessment methodology of poverty targeted social assistance benefits...
This paper investigates reasons of Georgian targeted social assistance (TSA)’s declining performance and presents a new proxy means test (PMT) model estimated on the most recent household income and expenditure...
As part of the collaboration between the Government of Uzbekistan and the World Bank in improving the effectiveness of social protection, the Bank conducted a diagnostic study on the main risk’s households...
The Government of Uzbekistan intends to establish a new approach to identify and select beneficiaries of family allowances by piloting the implementation of a single registry in Syrdarya region (and its...
This report presents the results of a diagnostic study on the targeting of social protection programs in Uzbekistan with a specific focus on low-income family allowances. The objective is to determine...
This report presents the results of a diagnostic study on the targeting of social protection programs in Uzbekistan with a specific focus on low-income family allowances. The objective is to determine...