This paper identifies the effect of trade policy on market power through new data and a new identification strategy. It uses a large data set containing export values and quantities by product and destination...
The empirical case for trade as an engine of growth has now been established on solid empirical grounds. There has been a protracted controversy in the literature on the econometrics of trade and growth...
As part of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) program for Trade-Related Assistance to Least Developed Countries (LCDs), which Myanmar joined in April 2013, the Government of Myanmar has asked the...
As part of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) program for Trade-Related Assistance to Least Developed Countries (LCDs), which Myanmar joined in April 2013, the Government of Myanmar has asked the...
This paper on updating the diagnostic study for the integration of trade points out that the Government of Benin has requested an update of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) 2005 and asked...
This paper on updating the diagnostic study for the integration of trade points out that the Government of Benin has requested an update of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) 2005 and asked...
This paper studies the determinants of pricing-to-market at the firm-level, with a particular focus on the roles of firm-specific and policy-induced market power. The authors use a large dataset containing...
The diagnosis of Gabon's trade potential and the lessons from international experience suggest that, in the long run, the best way to foster export diversification may not be to try to achieve it immediately...
Recent years have seen a surge in economic integration agreements (EIAs) and the development of non-tariff measures (NTMs). As a consequence, a growing number of EIAs include provisions on NTMs. However...
The diagnosis of Gabon's trade potential and the lessons from international experience suggest that, in the long run, the best way to foster export diversification may not be to try to achieve it immediately...
The demand for accountability in aid-for-trade is increasing but monitoring has focused on case studies and impressionistic narratives. The paper reviews recent evidence from a wide range of studies, recognizing...
Recent years have seen a surge in economic integration agreements (EIAs) and the development of non-tariff measures (NTMs). As a consequence, a growing number of EIAs include provisions on NTMs. However...
In a world where many forms of protection – including tariffs – are constrained by World Trade Organization (WTO) disciplines, non-tariff measures (NTMs) are the new frontier of trade policy. NTMs that...
This paper evaluates the effects of the FAMEX export promotion program in Tunisia on the performance of beneficiary firms. While much of the literature assesses only the short-term impact of such programs...
This report provides tentative leads toward such policy prescriptions, based on an overview of the empirical evidence. Chapter one sets the stage by putting Africa's export-survival performance into perspective...
This volume is organized as follows. Chapter one discusses the newly revamped non-tariff measure (NTM) classification system, the data collection effort so far, and the key characteristics of the data...
Ample anecdotal evidence summarized in, inter alia, Gillson (2011) and Charalambides and Gillson (2011) suggests that non-tariff measures (NTMs), whether protectionist in intent or not, raise trade costs...
Nigeria currently prohibits importation of 24 groups of items. These include a range of food products, certain medicines, industrial products such as glass bottles and textile fabrics and consumer products...
Nigeria currently prohibits importation of 24 groups of items. These include a range of food products, certain medicines, industrial products such as glass bottles and textile fabrics and consumer products...
The focus of trade policy has shifted in recent years from economy-wide reductions in tariffs and trade restrictions toward targeted interventions to facilitate trade and promote exports. Most of these...