These articles, initially presented at the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, held April 25-26, 1996, address four themes: banking failures as crises or opportunities for reform; reducing...
This paper was first presented as the author's address, as president, to the 1995 Congress of the International Economic Association in Tunis. It looks at the question of whether deep economic crisis brings...
How to catch up with the industrial world - achieving rapid growth in Europe's transition economies (Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner). How democracy fosters growth: a new empirical approach (Jose...
In the past twenty-five years the international economy has witnessed a series of unusually large external shocks. External shocks often lead to crises - crises of negative growth, inflation, and debt...
The "stylized fact" that distribution must get worse with economic growth in poor countries before it can get better turns out not to be a fact at all. Growth's effects on inequality can go either way...
Recent literature suggests that long-run averages of growth and inflation are only weakly correlated and that such correlation is not robust to the exclusion of observations of extreme inflation. Including...
Could inflation stabilization be expansionary? (Michael Bruno and William Easterly). The Latin American experience with private pension funds: lessons for Eastern Europe (Jean de Fougerolles). Who is responsible...
World Bank discussion on second-generation transition issues: growth, restructuring, corruption (Michael Bruno, Stanley Fischer, Jana Matesova, and Susan Rose-Ackerman). Anticorruption crackdown in China...
The papers collected in this volume were presented at the sixth World Bank annual conference on development economics, held April 28-29, 1994, in Washington, D.C. The conference series seeks to expand...
The author notes in his keynote address that the development agenda has changed significantly in the past twenty-five years. Drawing on the experiences of recent decades, he sets out three necessary conditions...
World Bank conference helps develop development economics. Development issues in a changing world - excerpts from Michael Bruno's keynote address. How to stabilize - policy lessons from early reformers...
"Our assistance includes ideas as well as money" interview with Michael Bruno, vice president and chief economist of the World Bank. Banking reform in the transition economies: a hard nut to crack. Czech...