This book brings together the insights and experiences of some of the world's leading policymakers and global thought leaders, individuals who have had substantial influence on the policy reforms and development...
In this issue: Global poverty reduction via expanding opportunities; by Timothy Besley, Robin Burgess, and David Donaldson. Interview with Alberto Alesina. Good_bye Lenin (or not)? The effect of communism...
В этом выпуске: Тимоти Бесли, Робин Берджес, Дэвид Доналдсон: "Глобальное снижение бедности через расширение возможностей". Альберто Алесина, Никола Фукс Шундельн: "Гудбай, Ленин? Влияние социализма на...
This book brings together the insights and experiences of some of the world's leading policymakers and global thought leaders, individuals who have had substantial influence on the policy reforms and development...
Вопрос о том, сколько средств государствам следует расходовать на социальные программы вообще и на программы социального обеспечения в частности, представляет для руководителей очевидный интерес; вместе...
The question of how much governments should spend on social programs generally, or safety nets in particular, is of great obvious interest to policymakers but is extremely difficult to address empirically...
This paper examines the relationship between community participation and the efficacy of interventions designed to reduce poverty. The authors develop some simple analytics that are used to structure a...
Reforming finance in transitional socialist economies. How do market failures justify interventions in rural credit markets? What makes rural finance institutions successful? Animal health services: finding...
Understanding of the economic causes and consequences of market failure in credit markets has progressed a great deal in recent years. This article draws on these developments to appraise the case for...