This book synthesizes the findings from ten case studies that investigate whether, when, and how foreign aid affected economic policy in Africa, and reveals the range of African policy experience. Results...
This country case study is one of ten prepared for the World Bank Development Economics Group, for its study of aid and reform in Africa. The purpose of the case studies is to review country reform experience...
This book contains a series of papers presented at the final conference sponsored by the Trade Expansion Program (TEP). The first chapter provides an overview of some of the lessons learned from the TEP's...
Divestiture which may involve (a) liquidation, (b) privatization of ownership, or (c) privatization of management is becoming of rising interest as a means of rehabilitating or reforming state enterprises...
Since 1980, there has been a flowering of new style World Bank lending characterized by a policy focus and conditionality. These loans and credits include export rehabilitation credits, which provide foreign...