In promoting universal health coverage (UHC), the World Bank supports member countries’ efforts to provide quality, affordable health care to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, reducing financial...
South Africa remains a high-burden country for tuberculosis (TB) and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) with an underlying generalised HIV epidemic. TB funding must therefore be allocated to interventions...
Ukraine experiences one of the most severe HIV epidemics in Europe. An HIV allocative efficiency analysis has been carried out, which revealed that there are several key opportunities to change the course...
South Africans suffer from a high burden of preventable illness and premature death, despite high expenditure on health. Over the last two decades some significant improvements have occurred in maternal...
This paper focuses on the specific dimension of informal payments by health users in Georgia, a growing pattern within many ECA (East Europe and Central Asia) countries. Using newly collected data from...
Adverse selection can be defined as strategic behavior by the more informed partner in a contract against the interest of the less informed partner(s). In the health insurance field, this manifests itself...
A growing pattern within the ECA (East Europe and Central Asia) region is informal payments to doctors, hospital administrators, nurses and others connected with health service delivery. These payments...