In the past three decades, the Philippines has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty. Driven by high growth rates and structural transformation, the poverty rate fell by two-thirds, from 49.2 percent...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) partly reversed gains made in three decades of sustained decline in poverty and a decade of accelerated reduction in inequality in Philippines. Although the economy is recovering...
Over the past three decades the Philippines has made great progress in poverty reduction and income growth, but only recently has inequality begun to fall. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, structural transformation...
This report applies the framework to diagnose the opportunities and constraints faced by the rural economy and households and to assess policy options to address these constraints. The approach builds...
Even with significant economic progress and high levels of gender equality, female labor force participation remains persistently low in the Philippines, with less than half of women in the labor market...
Gender equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable and inclusive growth and development. In recent years, the Philippines’ legal framework has helped move the country toward gender equality. The Philippines...
The resurgence of COVID-19 cases and reimposition of more stringent quarantine measures held back the early signs of an economic rebound. The downside risk of a resurgence of infection, identified in the...
The March 2021 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and the CPI, national...
The Thailand Economic Monitor (TEM) reports on key developments in Thailand’s economy over the past six months, situates these changes in the context of global trends and Thailand’s longer-term economic...
The Philippine economy contracted by 10.0 percent, year-on-year, in the first three quarters of 2020, given the triple shock brought by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. COVID-19 delivered a...
Gabon’s abundant endowment of natural resources, strategic location, political stability, highurbanization, and youthful population create broad, though challenging, opportunities for povertyreduction...
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of poverty and inequality in Tanzania and identifies some priority actions if poverty is to be reduced. The analysis is contained in two parts. The first part...
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of poverty and inequality in Tanzania and identifies some priority actions if poverty is to be reduced. The analysis is contained in two parts. The first part...
This report summarizes a comprehensive analysis of poverty and inequality in Tanzania and identifies some priority actions if poverty is to be reduced. The first part is based on the results of the Household...
Investing in human capital is essential for Tanzania. To generate future income and achieve sustainable development, people are the most important asset countries have. Part two of this economic update...
Investing in human capital is essential if Tanzania is to develop economically. Reduce poverty and achieve the aspirations articulated in Development Vision 2025. This economic update discusses where Tanzania...
Comoros, sometimes called the "perfumed islands" because of its fragrant beauty, is an archipelago located on the ancient trade routes of the Indian Ocean. This island nation is home to 800,000 inhabitants...
Comoros, sometimes called the "perfumed islands" because of its fragrant beauty, is an archipelago located on the ancient trade routes of the Indian Ocean. This island nation is home to 800,000 inhabitants...
Gabon’s abundant endowment of natural resources, strategic location, political stability, highurbanization, and youthful population create broad, though challenging, opportunities for povertyreduction...
This study carries out a thorough investigation of the potential sources of mismatch in poverty and inequality levels and trends between the Tanzania National Panel Survey and Household Budget Survey...