The Kyrgyz Republic is a small, open, and lower-middle-income country. Throughout the past two decades, the Kyrgyz authorities have substantially improved the country’s fiscal stance to maintain macroeconomic...
The Credit Rating Stylized Analytical Tool supports the evaluation of the credit risk that accrues to a central government when a public corporation’s non-performance of its financial obligations results...
The Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) is the World Bank’s diagnostic tool for assessing performance using a comprehensive set of indicators that span the full range of government debt management...
The Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) is the World Bank’s diagnostic tool for assessing performance using a comprehensive set of indicators that span the full range of government debt management...
Implicit contingent liabilities, such as those generated by natural disasters, are often not quantified in the government balance sheet. However, when they materialize, they place pressure on government...
Ministries of finance are often asked to guarantee a state-owned electricity utility's payments to an independent power producer under a power-purchase agreement. To decide whether to grant the guarantee...
The South African government offers various support mechanisms to support Eskom, the state-owned electric utility, and the independent power producers in providing low-cost electricity, including credit...
A debt management system is the backbone of any sovereign debt management office. A robust, well-functioning and user-friendly system allows governments to strengthen their debt management environment...
The topic of managing fiscal risks arising from public-private partnerships is receiving increased attention as more governments turn toward this type of financing for large infrastructure projects. Governments...