With water in Mexico becoming very scarce spatially and over time, it is now a factor that limits economic activity and social well-being in several regions. The identification of priorities and trade-offs...
With water in Mexico becoming very scarce spatially and over time, it is now a factor that limits economic activity and social well-being in several regions. The identification of priorities and trade-offs...
This working paper presents a summary of the results of a report which undertook an economic assessment of policy interventions in the Mexico water sector. The report constitutes part of, and seeks to...
Water resources management represents one of Mexico's most urgent environmental challenges today, and one that impacts heavily on the economy. Mexico continues to grapple with water management problems...
Water resources management represents one of Mexico's most urgent environmental challenges today, and one that impacts heavily on the economy. Mexico continues to grapple with water management problems...
This document compares analytical work done on Brazil with the experience of bulk water pricing in other countries to arrive at practical recommendations for determining fair bulk water pricing in Brazil...
Five years after Rio : the World Bank's environmental professionals take stock; by Andrew Steer. Persuasion and incentives : new ways to achieve a cleaner world; by Hanrahan, David. Solving the water crisis...