Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important source of capital for economic growth in developed and developing countries. Not only does FDI generate jobs and economic growth, it can also trigger highly...
This report seeks to inform the policy dialogue on how to accelerate Paraguay’s international economic integration and in turn its medium- and long-term growth prospects. It benchmarks Paraguay’s global...
El objetivo de este informe es aportar información para la formulación de políticas públicas en Guatemala relacionadas con la recuperación de las empresas, el empleo y la transformación económica. Se ofrecen...
The objective of this report is to inform public policies in Guatemala related to business recovery, jobs, and economic transformation. Analysis and actionable policy recommendations are provided in five...
El informe identifica la necesidad de reformas en cinco áreas complementarias para impulsar la recuperación, la productividad y la transformación económica: 1) el entorno regulatorio empresarial; 2) la...
The report identifies the need for reforms in five complementary areas to boost recovery, productivity, and economic transformation: 1) business regulatory environment; 2) foreign direct investment (FDI);...
This paper is part of the broader World Bank Group (WBG) research initiative on Investment Climate matters, managed by the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) Global Practice of the WBG. Its...
Research shows that investment promotion agencies (IPAs) may be the best public institutions to meet government objectives for attracting, establishing, retaining, expanding, and linking productive private...
In 2012, 72 percent of the population of low-income countries lived in rural areas, with agriculture the primary source of income. Significant poverty reduction and food security depend on agriculture...