Indonesia's development trajectory has been remarkable over the past 20 years, supported by macroeconomic stability and prudent fiscal management. The economy grew on average by 5.3 percent annually between...
Indonesia's development trajectory has been remarkable over the past 20 years, supported by macroeconomic stability and prudent fiscal management. The economy grew on average by 5.3 percent annually between...
Indonesia's development trajectory has been remarkable over the past 20 years, supported by macroeconomic stability and prudent fiscal management. The economy grew on average by 5.3 percent annually between...
While Indonesia has successfully decreased early childhood mortality, its stunting rates are among the highest in the world; this has lifelong consequences for health, human capital, poverty, and equity...
Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and fourth most populous nation, tenth-largest economy in purchasing power parity terms. It is one of the most socially, economically and culturally diverse...
Indonesia has experienced strong economic growth and steady poverty reduction over the past decade,but the end of the commodity boom, accompanied by slowing poverty reduction and rising inequality, has...
In the aftermath of major humanitarian crises, whether caused by natural disasters or conflicts, the international community has pledged increasingly large amounts of aid to help rebuild devastated regions...
This paper examines Indonesia's experience in implementing scholarships programs as a demand-side intervention to stimulate primary and secondary school enrollment, continuation, and completion. It compares...
Indonesia's oil revenues and fuel subsidies dominate the nation's economic policy agenda. This paper estimates the impact of higher international oil prices on the Indonesian government's fiscal position...