The body of this report has six sections. Following the executive summary of the key messages and recommendations, Section one provides a brief introduction and background and context. Section two presents...
This document follows three previous policy notes on fiscal decentralization in Kosovo which the World Bank presented in 2020 and which revealed systemic weaknesses that stem from the current design of...
The government of Kosovo recognizes ICT as one of the six priority sectors for economic development and sees it as an enabler for improved public services. The objective of this note is to assess the enabling...
A key fiscal challenge for Kosovo is how to increase domestic revenues. While increasing the domestic revenues will also require tax policy reforms, there has been increasing recognition of the need to...
The document provides a brief overview of the size and composition of public procurement. It then examines performance in relation to two key outcome variables – the success rate of competitive tenders...
This report summarizes the main findings of the different work conducted under Turkey: Promoting Gender Equity in Labor Market and Entrepreneurship (P133741) to better understand the gender differences...