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The Situation in Antigua and Barbuda (Английский)

The objective of this note is to identify national entry points to includepersons with disabilities in Antigua and Barbuda. This note was prepared toaccompany the operationalization of the regional report ‘Disability Inclusionin Latin America and the Caribbean: A Path To Sustainable Development. It ismeant to guide the Government and the World Bank to strengthen disabilityinclusion at the country level, and is not an exhaustive analysis of disabilityinclusion...


  • 2023/03/30

  • Краткие сведения

  • 191057

  • 1

  • Карибский бассейн, Антигуа и Барбуда,

  • Латинская Америка и страны Карибского бассейна,

  • 2024/06/10

  • Disclosed

  • The Situation in Antigua and Barbuda

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