This is a statement by H.E. Mario Marcel, Minister of Finance, at the 105th meeting of the Development Committee held on April 22, 2022. The pandemic has hit the Latin American and Caribbean Region...
The principle of comparability of treatment (CoT) is a key element of the G20’s Common Framework for debt restructuring. However, in its current form, is not being enforced, does not distribute...
China’s lending boom to developing countries is morphing into defaults and debt distress. Given the secrecy surrounding China’s loans, also the associated defaults remain “hidden”, as missed payments...
Chad’s debt ratios have worsened since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and downside risks have increased given the uncertainties around the intensity and duration of the pandemic and oil ...
This paper studies external sovereign bonds as an asset class. It compiles a new database of 266,000 monthly prices of foreign-currency government bonds traded in London and New York between 1815 (the...
These opening remarks were made by World Bank Group President David Malpass during the Launch of the January 2022 Global Economic Prospects (GEP) Report on January 11, 2022. He said that Coronavirus...
The overall and external debt of the Republic of Congo are classified as in distress, pending finalization of debt restructuring agreements with one external commercial creditor and clearance of arrears...
This Toolkit is aimed primarily at policy makers, financial institutions, and enterprises. It examines different types of corporate restructuring procedures on the basis that one size does not fit across ...
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass’s in an interview with Handelsblatt on December 13, 2021. He spoke about the importance of the vaccine donation pledges that...
In March 2017, against the backdrop of rising debt vulnerabilities, G20 countries endorsed and committed to promote the G20 Operational Guidelines for Sustainable Financing. The aim of these guidelines...
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on debt, puts recent debt developments and prospects in historical context, and analyzes new policy challenges associated with...
This evaluation provides an early-stage assessment of the Sustainable Development Finance Policy (SDFP) of the International Development Association (IDA), which went into effect July 1, 2020. A steep...
These remarks were delivered by the World Bank Group President David Malpass and Sky News Ian King Glasgow, United Kingdom on November 1, 2021. He spoke about the valuable interactions between the developed ...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis indicates that Cambodia remains at low risk of external and overall debt distress. The current debt carrying capacity is consistent with a medium classification. The...
Analyzing public debt in low-income developing countries (LIDCs) is like solving a puzzle with many missing pieces. Forty percent of LIDCs have not published any sovereign debt data in the last two...
The Multi-Partner Fund (MPF) for Somalia has been the primary source of financing for the World Bank Group’s early reengagement in Somalia after more than two decades of disengagement. This World Bank...
The overall and external debt of the Republic of Congo are classified as “sustainable” but debt is currently considered “in distress” pending finalization of debt restructuring...
This report discusses the remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the G20 Session of International Financial Architecture – Lead Intervention on July 9, 2021. He said that early in the...
This paper presents an assessment of the qualification of the Republic of Sudan for assistance under the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. The assessment is based on a joint...