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Delivering water supply and sanitation services in fragile states : professionalizing drinking water service delivery in small towns of Haiti : Fourniture de services d’adduction d’eau et d’assainissement dans des etats fragiles : professionnalisation de l’alimentation en eau potable dans des villes secondaires d’Haïti (Французский)

This document aims to share lessons learned from the implementation of the World Bank financed component of the rural water supply and sanitation project (EPAR) in the Sud region after its final evaluation. Leading the reform of the drinking water and sanitation sector in Haiti, the EPAR of the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA) involved the construction or rehabilitation of drinking water schemes in small towns with fewer...

Document also available in : Английский


  • 2014/05/01

  • Рабочие документы

  • 97215

  • 1

  • 1

  • Гаити,

  • Латинская Америка и страны Карибского бассейна,

  • 2015/06/12

  • Disclosed

  • Fourniture de services d’adduction d’eau et d’assainissement dans des etats fragiles : professionnalisation de l’alimentation en eau potable dans des villes secondaires d’Haïti

  • access to safe drinking water

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